Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time enough....

You know what the most frustrating part of turning 40 is for me?  Not having enough time to do the things I want to, and not being sure why I don't.  I've got lots of time, but I just can't fit things together, which is doubly annoying because I'm a great time-manager when it comes to work.  I just can't work my leisure time like that because, well, it becomes work.

Here's a list of things I want to do, in no particular order:
  • Read more
  • Watch more movies
  • Get out more
  • Set up a server
  • Learn Linux like the back of my hand
  • Get my 'official' website up and ready
  • Learn PHP 'my way' so I can use it
  • Read more (yes, I know...)
  • Take a nice long walk every night after work
  • See my friends more often (which would start with actually seeing them)
  • Get back into photography
  • Re-learn how to play bass
  • Re-learn how to draw, thanks to my arthritis changing the way my hands work
  • Write more
  • Re-learn Java
  • Learn Ruby on Rails
  • Learn Python
  • Cook
  • Build a new hardcore PC
Yes, I know the answer is "prioritize", but really, how do you prioritize that?

Okay, yes, getting out for walks/exercising1 should be number one.  Thank you, gentle-reader.

After that, though?  No clue. See, I could build the PC, use it as a Linux box, and run a virtual server from it, but that presents even more issues.


1 I'm reminded of an old TV show called Shadow Chasers, I believe, and a character who was an Aerobic Exorcist. Not sure why I thought of this.


  1. Time management?! I can't do that! I don't have enough time!

    Things I want to do:

    - Read more
    - Get out more
    - Improve my Linux skills
    - Exercise (I think I need more than a 30-40 minute walk during my lunch break)
    - Re-learn how to draw, (in my case because of a broken wrist) (>.<)
    - Improve writing skills
    - Cook (actually, I don't really want to cook but eating out is a pain in the wallet and the gut)

    Gah, indeed.

  2. Dude, you haven't even hit 25 yet. Talk to me in 16 years.
